An experienced coach and business adviser.
By providing support to people and business in the development process she uses her knowledge and various methods derived from positive psychology, coaching tools, ACT training (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), POINTS OF YOU® tools. She has a license to work using the FRIS® methodology and PhotoTherapy.
She is the author of programmes, models and development tools which support both people and organisations. She specialises in business, and in topics related to dealing with challenging situations. She conducts workshops and training sessions focused on building manager skills, authenticity in leadership, change management and communication, cooperation based on values as well as practical workshops on interpersonal communication, development of effectiveness in business environment.
Topics related to stress management, emotions, mental wellbeing, professional burn-out and mental toughness play a crucial role in her work.
Training projects with the use of PhotoTherapy technique come under a constant supervision during group and individual sessions which means that she works to the highest standards in her profession.