Conscious Change Coach. He combines 17 years of experience in business with the latest knowledge of mental awareness development, neuroscience and process approaches to change. As a result, he more effectively supports everyone, including company heads and employees in implementing conscious change in the team. Without unnecessary theories, straight to the goal everyone wants to achieve. Her talent is to streamline natural processes so that they work for everyone with kindness to their needs.
As the first Administration Coach, she has trained employees in time management, team management, and interpersonal communication. As a Mental Coach today, she focuses on a solid mindset proving that moving towards conscious development starts in the team’s head.

She works with a workshop method based on a group process. He values touching people’s stories, understanding their real problems and finding a guideline they can implement starting today. In her work she uses: mental training, coaching, source work, a systemic approach to change, improvisation with a focus on mindfulness and support.

In life, she is guided by unchanging values and clear principles, sprinkled with a bit of madness. Honesty, respect, openness, authenticity and understanding are important to her. She loves Italy’s Lake Garda and Portugal. She is the mother of a 14-year-old daughter and a lover of pre-war cinema. She can talk for hours about my beloved amante: Eugene Bodo.



Urszula Rowińska